Don’t overplay your current physical condition.


JUST ONE MORE GAME” has caused way too many accidents!


Proper Footwear:  Recommendation for pickleball is as follows:  hard court tennis shoes for outdoor play, volleyball shoes for indoor play.  Sandals and non-court shoes are just asking for an injury to occur. 


Safety Glasses:  As in any sport, eye safety is a big priority.   Balls coming off your partner’s paddle is often the cause of most injuries on the court.  Wearing glasses or sunglasses is highly recommended.  Some places to play now require safety glasses in order to play pickleball at their facility.  Be sure to inquire before showing up to play for the first time.  


Stretch:  Before and after the game, and sometimes between matches.  


Hydrate:  Drink plenty of water!  However, water alone does not replenish, it just hydrates.  Supplement some of your water with an electrolyte drink.  Don’t wait till you are thirsty – it may be too late! 


Player Concern:  Be observant of any player who shows signs of dizziness, lack of proper balance or concentration.  Recommend a time out or sitting a fame out.  


Player Falls on Court:  If someone falls on the court, all play STOPS.  Trained CPR and DeFib are a necessity at any location of play.  First Aid kits readily available.   


Ball On Court:  STOP PLAY AT ONCE if a ball comes on the court. Same safety rule applies if you hear “Ball On Court!” yelled from another court. Stop – don’t just swat it back across the court, pick it up and toss it to the player on the court.    If you hit a ball into another court, immediately YELL “Ball On Court!” If a ball is going towards another court, do NOT chase it on to the other court. Stop, yell: “Ball on Court”, and let the other people stop play and retrieve the ball. 


Ball Breaks:  If a ball breaks, safely remove it from the court.


Object On Court:  If ANYTHING  falls on the court, quickly remove it.


Crossing Courts:  If you are crossing an active court to get onto a vacant court or to leave a court, wait until their current point is over.    


Overhead Slams:  If you are near your partner with an overhead slam opportunity where you may hit them, stop play. Let the ball drop. Lose the point. Do NOT hit your partner. Stay conscious of where they are. 

If you can go back more safely for an overhead than your partner, (if their mobility is limited), YOU cover the overheads. Likewise let them cover for you if the situation is reversed. 


Lobs:  When going backwards for a lob, turn and run backwards, DON’T SHUFFLE BACKWARDS. 


Dive for Balls:  Simply put:  Don’t dive for balls.